Setting up a My Guide Account

My Guide is the portal where you can update your profile details to ensure they are correct on the website and for the printed guides, upload artwork for your advertising and upgrade your web profiles through the self checkout and so much more.

1. The main ways to get a set up for an account are by contacting DPS Publishing and requesting an account invitation or someone in your organisation can send you an invitation directly through their My Guide Portal. You will receive an email invitation to set up your account. This email comes from the account [email protected], as it is a generic email account the email can go into a spam or junk folder.
2. Once you have opened the email there is an orange button saying “Click here to access your account”. Once you click on the button and fill in your details, your first name, last name, job position and create your own password. Once you have filled in your information click the orange button that says “Finish account set up and login”
3. This will take you to your main dashboard page. From this page you will be able to see your profiles, view your 3-month statistics, your compare provider requests, your vacancies and much more.