Uploading Artwork

When advertising in the Printed Publications you will be asked to Upload your artwork through your My Guide Clent Portal. This is where you will accept the Terms & Conditions and you will be able to see the artwork that was used in previous publications and can select it for upcoming Publications.

1. Once you have confirmed your booking for Printed Advertisements with your Sales Representative the person selected as your Artwork Contact on the Media Plan will receive an email from you Customer Services Team Representative attached to your profiles will send you an email giving you the required specifications of your artwork including preferred file format and the due date for your artwork.
2. When you have your Artwork prepared, or if you have any questions, log in to your My Guide Client Portal.
3. When you first login you will see your Main Dashboard Page. This page has a brief snapshot of your profiles, any Open Requests Awaiting Your Response, Consumer Reviews, 3 month snapshot and your Vacancies and availabilities. On the Left Hand side of the Dashboard there is an itemised Menu and there is the contact information for the Customer Service Representative, Sales Representative allocated to your profiles as well as the contact information for the DPS Publishing office. In order to Upload your artwork for a Printed publication select the Artwork option on the Menu on the Left Side of your Dashboard.
4. This will take your main Artwork Dashboard. Here you will see a list of Artwork booked into each publication as well as the size and any special positions booked for the artwork. You are able to filter your view by Publication, Size/Type, Year or Status. When you are ready to upload artwork click the View button next to the artwork you would like to upload.
5. When this screen opens it will give a description of the artwork booked, including the due date, publication, special position and specifications in the main box.
6. In the box on the right of the screen there is a button that says Upload an Image, this is where you upload your artwork. Below the main box there is an Image Library, this is where artwork used in other publications will be displayed, if you would like to use artwork from a different publication there will be a blue Download button, you are able to download it and then upload it to the publication desired and accept the Terms & Conditions.
7. At the bottom of the page there is a section where you can Leave Us A Message about your artwork, the complete chain of messages is visible in the Message HIstory box.
8. Whenever a message is left by your Customer Service Representative about your artwork you will receive an email to inform you that there is a comment to be viewed. This comment will be visible in your Message History section.
9. As your artwork progresses through the Pre-Print Check process the status of your artwork will be updated to reflect what action, if any, is required. If the status is changed to Requires Changes we will send you a message explaining the issue and you will need to upload the amended artwork.
10. When your artwork has been approved for printing your Customer Service Representative will update the status of your artwork to Approved. You will receive an email informing you that no further action is required.